How much does your dream life cost? Its a lot less than you realise.

So how much does your dream life really cost? Ever sat down to really work out the numbers? I was completely surprised myself when I first sat down and crunched the numbers. That millionaire lifestyle is so much closer than you realise. You don't actually need to be a millionaire to live like one!

Obviously country dependant but here in the U.K you can live very well for £5000-£10000 a month! Depending on your goals, you really can live the millionaire lifestyle for a lot less than you ever thought possible.

Everyone's goals are different I know. For me, my main aim was to just be financially free and create a number of income streams so I am never dependant on one single income. Income diversification, which is essentially what this whole course is about. Diversifying your earnings. Whether it is travelling the world, buying a Ferrari, purchasing a house in 5 different countries. The idea is to free you from the grasp of a 9-5 so that money is working for you, leaving you to be free to live your life.

It is so important to set goals, whether they are material goals or not. The fact that you are reading this already says you are a go getter and are wanting to better your life in someway so doing this is probably easy for you. You don't have to look very far to find a whole bunch of people who do not set any goals for themselves. So many people are consumed with getting a job, working 40 hours a week until they are 65+ and then retiring on half the income.

Lets take a look at the timeline of life for a short while. We are born. We then go onto education at 4 or 5 years old where we stay there from anything between 16 and 21 years old. By the time we are even out of education you could say we are already a quarter of our life over, this is assuming we live to a ripe old age of 80. Once we leave education we are expected by society to then get a job and pay our way in life. Suddenly without even realising you have a car to pay for, a phone to pay for, then you move out. You rent and bills to pay for. Obviously you need that job you were taught about in school to pay for these things. You can see how easy it is to fall into that cycle and then the next 45 or so years go past just doing the same thing. Suddenly you retire, at 65 when the best years of your life physically are behind you and then you are allowed by society to enjoy your life on that small pension. Doesn't sound great does it. Lets re write this for a minute. How about, lets go to school and even college and University, extra education never hurt anyone and have a good time in the process! Then get a job for a couple of years; to help funding your own personal goals. During that time, you put the work in to create your own incomes. Three or four years down the line you can quit your job because you now have multiple income streams of your own and also can trade from anywhere in the world. Retirement plan done and ticked off before you even hit 30. Sounds much better doesn't it. Shame they don't encourage that in school hey. For a lot of us on this path we did not get into this mindset young enough so for those of you that can achieve that time frame then go for it. It is not to say hope is lost for us lot who are past that age. Hell, retiring from your job by 35, 40, 45 or even 55 is much better than 65 isn't it. Freedom. You need goals or you will forever work for someone else who did have goals, someone who made a dream become their reality.

A little homework for you. Get a piece of paper and do your research on your dream life. Go into the crazy little details. The payments on that dream house, the monthly cost of that dream super car, the cost of that daily car, the holidays, the whole lot. find out that total monthly cost. Not as much as you thought right?

Now this is the even more fun part of your homework. Whilst working on your goals, go visualise them. Go down that road you would love to live down, look at the houses, go to that car showroom and see those Ferrari's. Go see them every few weeks to keep your mind aligned that they are real and that they are achievable. If these goals were not achievable, then tell me why you see people driving these cars and people living in these houses. It is all real and it is all up for grabs to the people who are willing to put the work in and go get it.

Keeping your mind in this zone is vital because for the majority of people, these goals are to much for them. Have you ever had someone laugh at you or tell you to keep dreaming when you told them your goals and aspirations? It has happened to me a whole bunch of times. Even my own family. It is fine for people not to understand. Let them be like that. That is the exact reason they are just like everyone else. Average. You will get it a lot, you will constantly have those little what if thoughts and those people saying it cannot be done and if you don't keep your mind in tune with your goals, it is so easy to be dragged away from what you are trying to achieve. So make visualising your goals a regular event to keep you focused.

Remember it is ok to reward yourself from time to time to. I am not saying go and blow for first big pay check on a Rolex but I am saying a small reward for the work you're putting in will help remind you that what you are working for is becoming your reality. Book that little break away, buy that stupidly expensive pair of trainers that you have always wanted, maybe take your partner to that amazing restaurant you have always talked about. Taste the success you are working towards.

This all might seem a million miles away from you right now and you might think the amount of work is crazy but it is not. Spend a day creating a massive battle plan. Make a list of tasks by importance. Start from the ground up and then detail every task into small manageable tasks. Create yourself a diary of tasks to complete that after a while completes a bigger task. For example with the day trading section in this course. Once you have had about technical analysis, spend a day on each part going over charts identifying them, making yourself familiar so by the end of it you have done thorough research on each point it becomes second nature. Suddenly in a very short time, technical analysis is a strong point of yours.

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